One’s Own Criterion Is a Sin before God
To fail to live by His will is a sin before God. It is the same as not believing in His Word. God said that it was a sin to live as the Pharisees, who rejected God’s commandments and put more importance on their own traditional teachings. Jesus considered the
Pharisees to be hypocrites.

it the word of God. It is said here, “For laying aside the
commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men.” There are 613 articles in His Law. Do this but don’t do that, honor your parents...etc. In Leviticus, it states how men and women should act and what to do when a domestic animal falls into a ditch.... There are 613 such articles in His Law. Since they are not the words of humans, we should think about them again and again. Though we are unable to keep all of His Law, we should at least acknowledge them and obey God. Is there a single passage in God’s Word that is not right? The Pharisees laid aside the commandments of God and held the traditions of men over His commandments. The words of their elders carried more weight than the words of God. When Jesus was on earth, this was what He witnessed, and what pained Him the most was that people ignored God’s Word. God has given the 613 articles of the Law to make us realize our sins and to show that He is the Truth,
our holy God. Since we are all sinners before Him, we should live by faith and believe in Jesus, who was sent to us from God because of His love for us. People who lay aside His Word and do not believe in it are sinners. Those who are unable to keep His Word are also sinners, but laying aside His Word is a more serious sin. Those who commit such a severe
sin will end up in hell. Not believing in His Word is the gravest sin before Him.